My kid quit her job.
It was sucking the life out of her on an exponential level. Tomorrow she’s packing up her car and moving down south.
She has secured an apartment, made the appropriate phone calls to hook up wi fi and electricity, changed her address with the postal service, and has had a safety check on her vehicle to ensure she arrives safely. Her new mattress (that she purchased) should arrive on move in day. Meanwhile, she is looking for a new job.
Frankly, I’m in awe.
She is capable, responsible, and has an insane work ethic. She realized 6 months in, she doesn’t need to stay in a job just because of the paycheck. That’s what I call a courageous maneuver.
Cheers to lessons designed exactly for her, unfolding in divine timing. Here’s to saying YES to the next chapter. And thank you to the one we are leaving behind.
Prayers appreciated for my poopsie on her new journey...
Love, Mama Bear and Abby

*Abby, Cosette and Charlie hit the beach yesterday as a last hurrah. They're pretty cute when they're not fighting